Info buat para sneakers

Para pecinta sneakers.....

di sini adalah tempat untuk berbagi tentang sepatu-sepatu keren yang harus anda miliki khusus nya bagi pengkoleksi sepatu keren(para sneakers)saya sarankan bagi anda yang ingin membeli sepatu lihatlah situs ini terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan gambaran sebelum membeli sepatu pilihan anda, disini diperlihatkan sepatu pilihan yang langka , unik dan keren
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Man lets just go ahead and try and lay an early prediction down: 2010 is the year of the Dunk. If ever we felt like a resurgence was going on its now and the shoe that virtually sparked a lot this culture craze is jumping up and slapping us silly with dope designs.

This time we get a glance at what newly minted SB member Eric Koston is gonna be giving us this season. His low cut blue suede shoe has a red lining and red around the swoosh. The gold swoosh and gum outsole echo one another in ways that just make us wanna shed a tear of joy over these things of beauty. Via SR

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