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Para pecinta sneakers.....

di sini adalah tempat untuk berbagi tentang sepatu-sepatu keren yang harus anda miliki khusus nya bagi pengkoleksi sepatu keren(para sneakers)saya sarankan bagi anda yang ingin membeli sepatu lihatlah situs ini terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan gambaran sebelum membeli sepatu pilihan anda, disini diperlihatkan sepatu pilihan yang langka , unik dan keren
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Sad Autumn doesn’t sound like a good thing at all. Images of leaves turning and cold shoulders clash with the pending warm weather we are currently enjoying but this new pair of Womens 6.0’s are definitely right up our alley.

The high top Dunks are awesomely done with a red denim upper and great boot laces. The rustic midsole is met by a rusty metallic swoosh. Leather detailing on the ankle and tongue tag just really help to round this look out as one of the better Dunks we have seen this season. Funny how a shoe named ‘Sad Autumn’ can make us smile. Via Extra Butter

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